Pain does not exist in this dojo

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In keeping with the karate kid theme…

Kreese: Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it? 
Karate Class: NO, SENSEI! 
Kreese: Pain does not exist in this dojo, does it? 
Karate Class: NO, SENSEI! 
Kreese: Defeat does not exist in this dojo, does it? 
Karate Class: NO, SENSEI!


But fear does exist. Pain does exist. And defeat does exist.

Why would anyone try and deny the existence of fear, pain and defeat?

Accept these as part of being human…in fact, the more fear, pain and defeat you experience, the more human you are.

Help those who are fearful have courage, bring comfort to those that are in pain, and reach out a hand to those who have been defeated.

If fear, pain and defeat do not exist in your dojo, then it will be difficult for you to have empathy and ultimately love and care for those who are hurting.

And people are hurting all around you. At any given time, your co-workers, your family, your friends – they are hurting. Parents are sick and dying, kids are in trouble, marriages are on the brink.

If pain does not exist in your dojo, then these people, your co-workers, your family, your friends – might as well not exist to you. But pain does exist and these people exist.

Care for someone today. Enter into fear, pain, and defeat. It has been done for you. Do it for others.